
Around that time I was in love with a boy and definitely wasn’t thinking about finding any Joy cooking for my man. I can remember talking to myself like if this dude thinks for second I’m going to be anything like my mother he can forget it! The more I thought about it I question if I was truly in love. I wonder if that’s how all men view relationships or look for in a woman?

And now here I’ am still madly in love with a man who’s no longer a little boy. He fell in love with me, my personality, the girls who’s down to earth, open minded, full of compassion, kind hearted, energetic… <— his words not mind.

My man makes me so happy, and he holds me down! He got my back, he’s my best friend and one of my biggest supporters. I watch how hard he goes for his family to ensure we have a good life and I couldn’t ask for anyone else! He works so hard and he deserves to come home to a home cook meal.

There was this one time he came home from work and was extremely tired, and when he got out the shower, he headed straight for the kitchen and the fridge. Not finding anything worthy enough to full his belly, he grabbed the keys, asked me if I wanted anything, and headed to the closest thing he could find to bring home and eat. As I watched him open that fast food bag up to retreat his dinner I instantly felt like crap!

It was so weird,

I’ve been home all day, granted I cant say I wasn’t doing anything because little miss Jay-Jay had my hands and feet tied, on top of all that unless she taking a thirty minute nap, (and hour if I’m lucky) my mouth don’t stop moving…(no Jayda, stop, don’t do that, A, B, C…) Like they say a mother’s job is never done, it’s a 24 hour thing so you get my drift.

But we woman was made to do this; we are queens of multitasking hunny! And I’ve done it before. So I don’t need baby girl to be an excuse to not get household tasks accomplish during the day, and that includes preparing a meal. Now when he gets home from work, I can see the difference in his step when I cook, and although he looks tired, I crush over his smile while I take in the compliments on how good the food smells, and how he cant wait to eat it.


Now there are times when I cook I take out his plate and bring it to him, and other times I just be like “Bae the food is ready.” I do not cook all the time, sometimes twice a week other times once a week.

But the truth of the matter is some fellas got it twisted when they be so quick to say, I want a girl who knows how to cook, or I would like to come home to a home cook meal blah, blah, blah. Half of the ones talking that mess are the main ones who don’t even know how to boil a damn egg, yet be having so much expectation.

If your mother didn’t teach you how to cook, well my Father didn’t teach me either, (you want to learn together?) If you have so much preference as to what you’re looking for in a woman, make sure you can at least do 3 out of 5 of those things you’re looking for.
We live in a world where man and women cook, have you ever heard of chef/s It’s for both man and woman, you can’t expect to much from a women when you do so little for them.

Which brings me to say this; I do for my man because he do so much for me. Do I sit around and wait for him to do something special for me before I return the favor? Heck no! We do for each other because we love each other, he continues to prove his love for me, and I’m one lucky lady believe that!


Now I know the title say the joy of cooking for your man, and its true, I love watching my man stuff his face with the food that I made. I love the compliments, and before he can even say thank you I can see how grateful he is to come home to a home cook meal.

But the truth is,

I DON’T COOK FOR MY MAN, I cook for us! Omg news flash he’s not the only one around here who gets hungry and when I cook he’s not the only one eating it.

I believe their our times you just have to make your man feel special, and my baby’s a king! It would probably be nice to cater to him all that time by taking out his plate and serving him but that’s just not me. If I feel like doing it I do it, for special occasions like his birthday, for sure why not?

I have a little routine, if the food is ready before he gets home, clearly I already ate mine I was hungry hello, so guess what, he’s fixing his plate. Now if he’s been waiting for the food to get done I may or may not take it out, it all depends on how I feel.

Recently I heard a man having a loud discussion with his significant other, about how she changed in their relationship over the years. You use to do this, you use to do that… it’s clear somebody was doing something they have gotten their husband train and use too, and all of a sudden either she stopped, or slow down. I guess she must have though he wouldn’t notice, no boo thang man don’t forget special treatments, they will take that to their death bed if it’s the last thing you do for them. Some of them couldn’t care less if you tired, and can’t no more, or whether your age have gotten the best of you.

As long as your man is getting good sex that is a special treatment that will never go out of style, all year round until you old and gray and he cant stand up anymore. However, you know how parents use to tell you leave a little to the imagination… well leave a little to spice your relationship up every now and again.

Don’t keep giving your man the same routine every single day, that’s like feeding him pasta every day of the week, no matter how good it was the first time it gets old. In this case he will tell you he wants something else, but that special treatment of being his waitress will never get old because he’s already use to it. He loved it so much when you started to do it since y’all got together, but now it no longer excites him because it’s been going on for years, it has become an expectation, the only time it pleases him is probably when he’s telling his boys about it. (Which isn’t bad I guess since it’s a reminder of what a good wife or girlfriend he has for a waitress)

Things that become expectations are no longer considered romantic unless you add to it!

Find joy in cooking together, and man take pride in cooking for your women too trust me when I say we love that ish! And guess what, if you don’t know how to cook just help. (I don’t always like him in my kitchen though)

cooking together

It’s a beautiful to do things for your significant others that makes them happy, it’s breathtaking to see how much effect it has on them. Yes I enjoy cooking, and every now and then I’ll cook his favorite dish and serve it to him. But really it’s not the joy of cooking for your man, it’s the joy in your relationship with your man. How do you feel when you do these things? How do it make him feel?

Bottom line some family traditions aren’t for everybody. We were not born or created to be exactly like our mothers and fathers, we have a mind of our own, and that mind desired him, he chose you, and when you become one you’ll realized it’s no longer about that little girl back then who thought her mother was doing too much for her father, it’s about a little girl who grew up and realized LOVE has a mind of it’s own!