
Since princess was about two weeks old little mama was sleeping through the night! An even then my motherly instinct had me waking up to check up on her frequently, till this day I still do that. I check to make sure she’s breathing and make sure she’s comfortable and covered up. I think my body is programmed because sometimes I amaze myself at how I wake up the same time every single night.  (With the exclusion of going to bed super late)

However after her six month shots, things changed.

My pooh-pood have been waking up crying in the middle of the night causing me to get no sleep! The shots gave her a fever,swollen thighs which were very sensitive by the way (she would not let me massage or ice them)  And I felt like I was watching somebody else baby, with how quiet she was during the day. My baby was not active at all, and although her appetite is slightly different, she still ate. After each meal instead of getting crunk an hyper she just wanted to get rocked to sleep.  Her father and I been telling her good night each time we put her in her crib, and she has been doing a  good job falling asleep on her own, but now she just cries and wants to get rocked to sleep.

Knowing my daughter she gets accustomed to new things real quick.

for example when she learned to roll over,I  could not get her to stop. At her grandma’s house I put her in her bassinet (which she out grown) for a about five minutes. let me tell you that was a big mistake an a absolute no no! The whole time she was just trying to roll over but the barrier of the bassinet just kept stopping her from doing it, it was a tight space now. The whole time she kept trying she started to fuss in frustration! so how bout for two days straight my baby did not roll over! It’s like she knew if she try’s it’s just not going to happen just like when she was in the bassinet, she pretty much engrave that little moment in her mind. So moms and dad when a newborn or toddler learn something new that’s not bad don’t restrict them from it.

even when they start playing with spit and dadadada lalalala all day let them have their fun!


I hate to see my princess cry so if I have to break our routine we might not get back until way later then so be it! Beside she was sick, and the stupid shots were doing the most at the time.  so if rocking her to sleep makes her feel better then hey cheers to that! I’m just happy because all these changes that took place was only temporary.

Now she’s back to her normal routine, sleeping on her own, and babbling my head off 🙂 and guess what now I can actually get some work done when I’m off because she no longer takes 10 to 15 minutes nap anymore, more like 30 minutes to an hour!

Ever wonder if all these shots really necessary?